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DirtiCoin™, Dirty Coin, Clean Coin, and CuBit™

January 2024

Author: Sudato M. O’Benshee


About the author: Sudato M. O’Benshee is the principal architect of CuBitand a founder of Universal Real Estate Wealth Protection Solutions, LLC.

© Copyright 2024 UREWPS, LLC™, All Rights Reserved

My team and I have rebranded our cryptocurrency. DirtiCoin™ is no more. No worries for those who currently hold DirtiCoin™, as they are receiving our new currency, CuBit™ on an even exchange.


When naming our real estate-backed cryptocurrency, the team settled on DirtiCoin™ for good reasons.

  • We liked the incorporation of “dirt” because that is a common term used in real estate investing. Often, referred to as investing in dirt.
  • We avoided dirty, with a “y” because it led toward pornographic sites. 
  • Obviously, “coin” expressly linked the concept of currency. So DirtiCoin™ was a brand linking dirt and currency.

Dirty Coins

Unfortunately, we were not aware of the rising use of an industry term where dirty coins are defined as cryptocurrency tainted by criminal exploits. When criminals extort a person, business, or even government and demand payment in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency, the ransom paid is subsequently tagged as “dirty coins.” They are forever linked to the crime precipitating the extorted transfer.

When hackers break a blockchain protocol, a currency bridge, or other cryptocurrency safeguards and illegally transfer cryptocurrency to a different wallet the coins associated with that event are “branded” as dirty coins.

Tracking Dirty Coins

People mistakenly believe that cryptocurrency is an anonymous world. They overlook the fact that public blockchains are public. Anyone, at any time, can look at the transactions on these blockchains. They can take note of the wallet id used in these transactions. It isn’t hard to take that one step further and write a computer search that scours all blockchains for those wallets. The wallet owner will eventually perform transactions that link to real world information. When that happens, the identity of the wallet holder is no longer anonymous.

Tracking dirty cryptocurrency doesn’t require the slip-up to reveal real-world identities. It just requires the wallet id used to receive the dirty money. From that point forward, authorities can tag that wallet id and flag all corresponding transactions. While they may not be able to block those transactions, the recipient of the dirty money may be alerted to the situation. Effectively, such an alert lets the recipient know that their wallet is now tainted with dirty money.

Due to the stigma of dirty coins and the linguistic connection between dirty coins and DirtiCoin™, we are dropping the DirtiCoin™ moniker. All the benefits formerly available through DirtiCoin™ are now available through Universal Real Estate Stable Coin (URESCu™, CuBit™). CuBit™ will now be the primary unit of measure, replacing DirtiDollar and DiD.

Clean Coins

When cryptocurrency coins are newly minted and a wallet is newly created, both are clean. They have no taint from any criminal activities. When cryptocurrency comes directly from its originator, it is clean as well.


CuBit™ is a clean coin. Our commitment to compliance with anti-money laundering, know-your-customer, and know-your-business (AML/KYC/KYB) regulations keeps our money supply clean at its source. When you exchange other currencies for CuBit™ from the CuBitDAO™ Asset Ledger™, through CuBitREvolution.com you can have total confidence that you are receiving clean coins. No taint will come to your wallet through our exchange.


Everyone deserves to own clean cryptocurrency. Everyone deserves the wealth growth and protection from inflation, speculation, and volatility that CuBit™ delivers. Find out more about how you can exchange your volatile, inflation-plagued, currency for CuBits™ today at www.CuBitREvolution.com.



Although the design of CuBit™ incorporates inherent protections against volatility and Universal Real Estate Wealth Protection Solutions, LLC (UREWPS, the Company) is committed to support the asset-based valuation of CuBit™ , as with any currency there is nothing to prevent speculators from taking unforeseen actions which might cause the price of CuBit™ to vary without reference to the underlying value proposition. The Company cannot prevent and is not responsible for the actions or results of such speculative behaviors.


©2024 Universal Real Estate Wealth Protection Solutions, LLCAll Rights Reserved.


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